Product Management Videos

Looking for some first-hand insights? We gathered a collection of the best videos on product management we found so far. Let us know if you think this lists is in dire need of an addition. We are happy to learn :)

Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell

This popular video by Henrik Kniberg is basically a full-day course on Product Ownership stuffed into 15 minutes. Start here if you are completely new to Product Management or want to refresh your knowledge about agile product development.

20 Years of Product Management in 25 Minutes

Dave Wascha has been doing Product for more than two decades. In this talk at Mind the Product, one of the leading conferences in this business, he speaks about what he learnt during those 20 years plus. It’s full with valuable insights and absolute fun to watch and learn.

Yes, Product is Hard – But why?

We are all learning how to manage product in the internet age. There have been many successes and failures, and there are still lots more to come. Marty Cagan has worked at plenty of internet successes and failures, including eBay, Netscape and HP. In this talk at ProductTank London, Marty highlighted the problems and opportunities he sees most regularly.

Escaping the Build Trap

Many large companies that have been around for decades, or even newer startups that have found some stability, fall into a dangerous place Melissa Perri calls “The Build Trap”: they apply agile principles not to provide the most user value but to get as much features as possible out to the users.

Lean, Agile & Design Thinking

You should by now have an idea of how important lean agile practices are for creating real user value. Continue that learning journey with listening to Jeff Gothelf, who gives an entertaining and absolutely valuable talk about his principles for product development.

Lead with Context not Control

Another Master Class with Marty Cagan. This time it’s all about leading empowered product teams in a way that fosters business agility. How we see it: this is the way if you want to excel in building digital products.